Introducing CNGA, a Smart Contract Token 

The CNGA token utilizes an advanced protocol known as ERC223, a superset of the Ethereum ERC20 protocol. CNGA unlocks economic abstraction at the application/contract level, enabling the use of tokens as value transfer assets in smart contract development. 

CNGA Token

Meet Cangea CNGA

Smart Contract Interoperability

One of the main problems with Bitcoin and the majority of cryptocurrencies is the lack of interoperability with Smart Contracts, limiting their use beyond simple peer-to-peer transactions. CNGA solves this problem. CNGA was designed and coded with all of the technical requirements to interact with Smart Contracts and execute Multi-Operational transactions. CNGAis the primary token used for interacting with and deploying Cangea Smart Contracts, and is the unit of value for payments, fees, and rewards to users accessing  services within the Cangea ecosystem.

Atomic Transactions

CNGA enables atomic payment functions, meaning all payment rules and perimeters are executed automatically and fully with no interruption.

Trustless Settlement

CNGA enables multi-party and multi-layer payment settlement in real-time, transferring value to beneficiaries in a trustless and secure manner


CNGA transfers  to a smart contract consumes 2x less gas than ERC20, and prevents extra blockchain bloating by allowing tokens to be deposited into a Smart Contract with a single transaction 

Multi-Operational Transactions

Multi-Operational Transactions

The CNGA token enables Multi-Operational financial transactions and expands the use of cryptocurrency beyond simple peer-to-peer transactions. CNGA  unlocks the ability to package multiple atomic function calls into a single transaction.

Keep Your Tokens

Prevent Lost Tokens

CNGA eliminates the issue of token loss that occurs when transferring ERC20 tokens to a contract. CNGA allows users to send tokens to both wallets and Smart Contracts, preventing mix-ups and loss of tokens.

Join the Cangea Ecosystem

CNGA Utility

CNGA is the primary token used for interacting with and deploying Cangea Smart Contracts, and is the unit of value for payments, fees, and rewards to users accessing services within the Cangea ecosystem.  If you are an organization, merchant, or institution interested in joining the Cangea ecosystem, click below to get started.


CNGA Token